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Submissions by CAFCA

Submissions by CAFCA

CAFCA submission on the Overseas Investment Act Reform Review 2019

CAFCA submission and other material on the Overseas Investment Bill 2005

This replaced the long-existing Overseas Investment Act 1973, with many significant changes, most for the worse, a few for the better.

CAFCA submission on the International Treaties Bill (PDF 29KB)

The International Treaties Bill was introduced by Keith Locke MP, and followed a series of similar proposed bills brought forward by other MPs. Its objective is to improve the process of public information and consultation on international agreements (such as trade agreements), and to make them subject to Parliamentary approval before they are signed and ratified. Currently there are no such rules for consultation, and the Cabinet has power to approve such agreements (although the Labour/Alliance government has agreed to a non-binding Parliamentary vote).

CAFCA Submission on the Singapore Free Trade Agreement (PDF 323KB)

What are the implications for foreign investment, services, competition, government procurement, tariffs and other aspects of our economy, of the Free Trade Agreement with Singapore? Is it a “creeping MAI”? Singapore is a big investor in Aotearoa/New Zealand. What are its policies at home? This comprehensive submission, which focuses on the farcical process used to adopt the Agreement, and on the implications for foreign investment and services, also backgrounds Singapore investment in New Zealand and its policies at home. Recent investments are listed and analysed to show the implications of these developments. For further material on the Singapore agreement see the problems of free trade, investment and globalisation.

CAFCA submission to the Inquiry into New Zealand’s economic and trade relationship with Australia (PDF 170KB)

In 2000, the Defence, Foreign Affairs and Trade Select Committee held an Inquiry into New Zealand’s relationship with Australia. CAFCA’s submission focuses on two areas: investment, and a single trans-Tasman currency.

Telecommunications Inquiry 2000 (pdf 25KB)

Submission to the Fletcher Ministerial Inquiry into telecommunications.

Electricity Inquiry 2000 (pdf 139KB)

Submission to the Caygill Ministerial Inquiry into the electricity sector.

APEC Inquiry submission 1998 (pdf 79KB)

Submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into APEC. Focuses on investment, and contains a thorough case against liberalising foreign investment flows into Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Overseas Investment Act amendments: 1994 (pdf 167KB) and 1998 (pdf 36KB)

Submissions on the amendments to the Overseas Investment Act. The Act provides the authority for controlling overseas investment coming into Aotearoa/New Zealand, and the powers of the Overseas Investment Commission. The 1994 submission focuses on land sales, providing many examples of the problems of such sales.

Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa,
P.O. Box 2258
Christchurch 8140.