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Foreign Control Watchdog
Text of Watchdogs since number 92, December 1999. Every member of CAFCA receives a copy of each issue of this magazine.

Historical Foreign Control Watchdog website
Archives of Foreign Control Watchdog from their beginning in 1974 as the newsletter of the then-named Campaign Against Foreign Control in New Zealand, to 1999. (Watchdogs since December 1999 are available at the above site.)

CAFCA’s Facebook page
Follow the Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa and receive regular updates on Facebook.

A blog for CAFCA issues.

Anti-Bases Campaign
ABC campaigns against the foreign military and intelligence installations in New Zealand. There are three – the US “Deep Freeze” military base at Harewood (Christchurch Airport); and the NZ intelligence gathering installations at Tangimoana (Manawatu) and Waihopai (Marlborough). It includes a link to Wikileaks cables about New Zealand, released in 2010. It holds protests, researches all aspects of these bases, and publishes Peace Researcher. Issues of Peace Researcher snce 2001 are available online at this site. Older issues of Peace Researcher, spanning the years 1983-2000 inclusive, are at the Historical Peace Researcher website.

CovertAction Magazine
CovertAction Magazine is an anti-imperialist investigative news outlet founded in 1978 which focuses on covert operations. It has featured a number of articles by Murray Horton including an article on the Waihopai spy base and the threat to Aotearoa/New Zealand posed by the AUKUS alliance.

The Fight For A Global Tobacco Control Treaty
In 2000, CAFCA was approached by INFACT (now Corporate Accountability International), one of our highly valued American contacts, and invited to join the worldwide, American-based Network for Accountability of Tobacco Transnationals (NATT). Corporate Accountability International and NATT’s global campaign focused on getting an enforceable global treaty on tobacco. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has been proactive on this, and debated a Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). For the first time ever, WHO held public hearings on a public health matter, recognising it as a huge public health issue. It is estimated that, by 2030, smoking will kill ten million people per year. The tobacco TNCs and their allies (tobacco growing countries, governments that reap huge tax revenues from tobacco – outright ownership of tobacco companies and/or monopolies, in some cases – advertising TNCs, etc) recognised the dangers from this proposed treaty, and did their level best to defeat it, subvert it, co-opt it, and sideline it. However, despite the immense power and ruthlessness of the tobacco TNCs, the treaty was completed. NATT and Corporate Accountability International continue to campaign for ratification and implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). The treaty will soon reach 40 ratifications and take effect as international law.

It’s Our Future – why we should be worried about the TPPA
Information about the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), why we should be worried and what you can do about it.

Keep Our Assets – Canterbury
Keep Our Assets – Canterbury is a coalition of several groups, including CAFCA, set up to campaign against the sale and privatisation of public assets and to support the retention of Christchurch’s Council-owned assets in public hands.

Philippines Solidarity Network of Aotearoa
Philippines Solidarity Network of Aotearoa works to build active links between the progressive movements in the Philippines and New Zealand. It publishes a regular newsletter, Kapatiran (Solidarity), which can be read online.

Vanguard Films
Vanguard Films is an independent film producer which has made many documentaries including some stunning exposés and analyses of the way the new right took over New Zealand politics in the 1980s and 1990s and rammed through its policies – and the disastrous effects on New Zealanders. Some of their most powerful films are now available free to view on line and to download.

JusTrade New Zealand
This heralds a new forward-looking campaign for a progressive 21st Century trade agenda. The JusTrade project builds on a two-day hui in late October 2018 that debated what an alternative and progressive trade strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand should look like. The live-streaming attracted over 17,000 page views. The Website carries videos and transcriptions of all ten panels. It marks a first step in the JusTrade project, bringing together experts on economics and business, geopolitics, te Tiriti, climate and environment, livelihoods, development, knowledge and health and wellbeing.


CAFCA exchanges publications with a number of organisations. The following have websites.

Australia Asia Worker Links
Australia Asia Worker Links works to build international solidarity links between workers as the best means to develop and strengthen workers’ rights in the Asia Pacific region.

Café Pacific
Café Pacific provides news on the Pacific, which links news media, independent information sources, progressive movements, environmental groups and Pacific research sites in the region, and to Pacific Journalism Review and other news sites.

Corporate Accountability International (formerly INFACT)
Corporate Accountability International is a US grassroots corporate watchdog organization. Founded in 1977, it is best known for its successful Nestle and GE Boycott Campaigns, and its film Making a Killing. Infact changed its name to Corporate Accountability International in 2004 and was the organiser of the successful Tobacco Industry Campaign (see above) and the Hall of Shame Campaign. Their current campaigns include ones against the water, oil, and food and agribusiness industries.

Mines and Communities Website
This seeks to empower mining-affected communities so they can struggle successfully against damaging mining proposals and projects.

New Internationalist
The monthly New Internationalist is one of the most lively independent international publications reporting on what lies behind international events. New Internationalist Publications is a communications co-operative based in Oxford with editorial and sales offices in Toronto, Canada; Adelaide, Australia; Christchurch, Aotearoa/New Zealand; and Lewiston, USA. It exists to report on issues of world poverty and inequality; to focus attention on the unjust relationship between the powerful and the powerless in both rich and poor nations; to debate and campaign for the radical changes necessary if the basic material and spiritual needs of all are to be met. It even lists CAFCA on its web pages.

Pacific Institute of Resource Management
PIRM organises public forums and makes submissions to the New Zealand government on environmental and social issues, as well as publishing Pacific Ecologist, formerly Pacific World, which can be viewed on this site.

Public Services International
The international trade union federation Public Services International, PSI, unites public sector workers in more than 600 trade unions in over 140 countries. Twenty million women and men in a variety of public service jobs are members of PSI. It has taken a strong interest in privatisation and deregulation – particularly of utilities such as electricity and water. PSI researches multinationals in utilities and health services in co-operation with the Public Services International Research Unit, PSIRU, which has some of the most detailed information in the world on transnationals and their activities. Extensive material is available on the PSIRU website.

Note: CAFCA has a policy of independence from all political parties and therefore does not include links to their web sites on this page. The views expressed in the above web sites do not necessarily reflect those of CAFCA.

Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa,
P.O. Box 2258
Christchurch 8140.