Roger Award Organisers Decide To Let Somebody Else Have A Go 11 June 2003 In the same sporting spirit that saw the Crusaders let someone…
Terry Moon
Michael Gilchrist, Prue Hyman and Glenn and Sukhi Turner, 25.2.2002 The judges for the Roger Award for the Worst Transnational Corporation operating in 2001 in…
Chief Reporter There really is a Santa Claus. And he has been revealed to be the most unlikely of people, namely the Commissioner of Inland…
Chief Reporter Helen Clark is currently back in the country to bask in the glow of the warm fuzzies. So it’s very timely to look…
These below two quotes are both from actual (separate) monthly Decisions of the Overseas Investment Office, both from February 2010. Note the sentences in each…
Get Used To It. This Is What A “Free” Trade Agreement Looks Like Chief Reporter The most unbelievably naïve reaction to the news that a…
Chief Reporter Talks started in Melbourne today for the US, Australia, Peru and Vietnam to join an expanded Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership (TPP, currently comprising…
Learn From Sad Experience Of US’ “Chief Ally”. Chief ReporterNew Zealanders who kid themselves that “we” stand to gain from a Free Trade Agreement with…
Tiwai Point Smelter. Rio Tinto Buys Out Sumitomo The Minister for Land Information and the Associate Minister of Finance approved Pacific Aluminium (New Zealand) Limited…
“Factory Farming Of The Elderly” The OIO has approved BUPA Retirement Villages Limited (United Kingdom 100%) buying cross-lease interests in villas 1-10 and villas 12-28…
“Hyperscale Data Centre” In Southland The OIO has approved Datagrid New Zealand Limited Partnership (Austria 38%, New Zealand 31%, France 31%) to buy six hectares…
“Zombie Fund Guru” The OIO has approved Resolution Life NOHC Pty Ltd (Australia 24%,Japan 22%, United States of America 15%, United Kingdom 11%, United Arab…
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Banks Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa,P.O. Box 2258Christchurch.
Digital Transnationals Another Microsoft Data Centre In Auckland Forestry IKEA Buying Up Land For Forestry Overseas Investment Office Standing Consents Standing Consents UK Private Equity…